Inspire: Learning, growing and achieving together!

Brooke Primary School

01508 550419

High Green, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 1HP

Mrs Sarah Lewis

Ms Tori Weal

Our Ethos

A small federation of small schools in South Norfolk. We are making the schools that we would have wanted to go to. By working together in collaboration, we improve one another and support each other to grow. Sunflowers are known for their resilience and symbolise hope, happiness, and growth. Our federation nurtures childrens’ academic, personal, and spiritual growth. It inspires children, staff, and parents to strive for excellence in all aspects of their life, just as sunflowers grow towards the sun and reach their full potential.

The roots, for Brooke CE VC’s church foundations, indicate that we are rooted and grounded in God's love, which is at the core of all our actions and educational philosophy. The stem represents our curriculum, which provides a strong foundation for our children across both schools to grow and thrive. The leaves symbolise our values, which drive our decision-making and behaviour. The petals are indicative of our key focuses such as DEI, careers, and compassion. Lastly, the bees and butterflies that are flying away from the sunflower represent the things that we want our children to leave us with, which are the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to make a positive impact in the world.

Hempnall Primary School

01508 499264

The Street Hempnall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR15 2AD

Mrs Sarah Lewis

Ms Tori Weal


01508 550419

Welcome to Our Website! Click to scroll down

Today at the woods we had fun making Tudor roses out of natural materials. We worked as a team to create our master pieces!

Yesterday, we spent the morning at the church with the Norfolk Wildlife Trust. We had fun finding minibeasts, thinking about pollinators and different habitats for plants and animals. 


Today we have been celebrating the coronation. We have been learning facts about the coronation, making crowns, enjoy a picnic lunch and creating portraits of King Charles. 




Welcome to our class page!


We have had a great time so far in Bumblebees class. We have studied the rainforest, including finding out about British explorer Percy Fawcett and his search for the Lost City of Z. We have also looked at the Bronze Age, the Empire Windrush and biological classification. 



         Bumblebees working hard to create shoebox depictions of a chosen animal class. We had just about everything - fish, reptiles, mammals, amphibians - you name it! 




Revelling in victory after racing Peacocks class to write the word 'Bible' using individual crosses. Taken during our day of 'Finding out out where Christian beliefs come from'.


Autumn half term, Bumblebee class have been learning all about movement to code a game using Scratch. Our learning came together to create games which can be played below. 

Take the bee to the flower to collect nectar, then to the hive. Use the arrow keys to move the bee's direction. Care must be taken to avoid those nasty predators!

Bumblebees are continuing to work hard in the run-up to Christmas. We have been studying the rise to power and untimely demise of Cleopatra VII, exploring desert biomes and working on our multiplication and division, amongst many other things.

We had a fantastic day celebrating Children in Need, including making some delicious rocky road to raise money for a great cause.

Bumblebees creating some Khanda art as part of our day exploring Sikhism.

Autumn Term 2 - Computing

This half term we have become engineers - learning all about CAD (Computer Aided Design). We used the 3D modelling software Tinkercad to create a Christmas bauble composed of various simple 3D shapes. We learnt about different lines of perspective (X, Y and Z) and the correct terminology for 3D shapes. We printed out designs using a 3D printer. Check out the amazing results!

2023 is here and Bumblebees have spent the new year so far exploring their local area. This has included producing some fantastic pencil sketches of notable Norwich landmarks. For the remainder of the term, we will be comparing and contrasting our local area to the French Alps and Patagonia. After half-term, it'll be back to the Middle Ages as we study the Anglo-Saxons and contrast them with the Mayans.